Spring – A Time for Renewal

After a very long winter, spring will finally arrive and bring some much-needed warmth and light into our days.  Spring has long been a time of renewal and what better time than Spring to do some “Spring Cleaning” in our lives and businesses.  Here are some helpful hints to renew your business:

  • De-clutter.  Give away anything you no longer need.  If you have not used it in the last year, then think about donating it to charity.  By letting go of material things in your life, you are allowing space for better things to be attained.  Challenge yourself to de-clutter both your workspace and your mindset.
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  • Focus on a time of new beginnings.  Assess what is it that your business needs to become a success and focus on fulfilling those needs.  Is it more time, more students, more finances?
  • Explore your creativity.  Create new programs and ideas that will make your daycare stand out and become a success.  Write down your ideas, make a vision board and set some goals.
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  • Simplify your business. Work can be too complicated the way it is. Find a way to streamline your operations either in Administration, Operations or Finance, find a system that will allow you to spend more time with the children and less time in front of a computer.

If you want to de-clutter, focus on new beginnings, explore your creativity, and simplify your business, then esiKidz.com childcare software has the answer for you. Our top-rated childcare software with our automatic tuition calculations, our multi-site management program, and our newly added features such as the Out of School program, online Admissions program and our online tuition payments will help you to renew your business.  If you would like more information or a 30-day free trial email adele.fussi@esihome-tech.com or call 778-552-7133.

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