Summer Days Sanity Savers

In the next two weeks, most children will be daydreaming about the long hot days of summer.  They are longing for the smell of pool chlorine permanently etched in their … Read More

Happy Father’s Day! – From Breadwinner to Care Giver and so Much More!

Bob Dylan said it best in his 1960’s song, “The times, they are a changing” and nothing signals this change more than the family unit.  Mothers no longer stay home … Read More

Last Day of School – Make a Memory Today!

For some students, they are counting down the days until school is out for the summer.  They are dreaming about the chlorine smell of the local pools, the long nights … Read More

Teacher Appreciation – Remember, to the community you are a teacher, to a child you are a hero!

Help wanted: Must be highly educated and can supervise groups of 30 students by yourself.  Must be able to work 10-12 hours a day and additional time on weekends.  You … Read More

Happy Victoria Day – More than Just a Long Weekend!

Come May 24th, Canadians celebrate with backyard barbecues, parades, fireworks, and camping by a sparkling lake, a prelude into the coming summer months, but what is May 24th and why … Read More

From the Classroom to the Frontline Our Salute to the Canadian Armed Forces

On Sunday, June the 6th, citizens from across Canada will pay tribute to our courageous men and women who are dedicated to defending our interest at home and abroad, our … Read More

Happy Mother’s Day! – To Mom with Love

Sunday, May 9th is Mother’s Day in Canada, and while we usually celebrate this day with flowers, breakfast in bed and homemade cards, one day is not enough to thank … Read More

Moonstruck – A Fun Way to Look at the Lunar Effect

Have you ever had “one of those days” and thought to yourself, it must be a full moon tonight?  Does the Lunar cycle really influence us and our children? While … Read More

Earth Day – What Size is your Carbon Footprint?

The sun is shining, the days are longer, and you can smell the freshness in the air, and this can only mean one thing; Earth Day is just around the … Read More

Ramadan Mubarak – Teaching our Children about Cultural Diversity

Canada is a melting pot of different cultures, ethnicity and religious beliefs and we as Canadians, thrive in its environment. I, like most people of the Baby Boomer age group, … Read More